Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ann Cannon to be Alliance Luncheon Speaker

Hi!  My name is Ann Edwards ("A. E.") Cannon, and I write books for young readers. I used to write a column for the Deseret News, but now I write for the Salt Lake Tribune. You can read my column here. I also lead discussions sponsored by the Utah Humanities Council’s Public Square program and would love to speak to your group.
Occasionally I am fortunate enough to teach creative writing and work as a bookseller at the muy famosa King's English Bookshop in Salt Lake City. My husband, Ken, and I have five (count 'em) sons, two daughters-in-law, a charming baby granddaughter, three parakeets, one parrot, two cats, and a Newfoundland dog that weighs 180pounds. Living with a Newfoundland that size is like living with a donkey in your house. A small donkey. But still.

We are thrilled that a.e. cannon will be our speaker at the Alliance Luncheon during the UDA. The luncheon will be held on Friday, March 1, 2013. Mark your calendar and watch for more information to follow. 

A delicious lunch, connecting with old friends and listening to a brilliant Utah author- it's sure to be a fun time!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Keynote Speaker for luncheon, Nicea Degering

Nicea Degering is a homegrown Utah girl with a love for family, broadcasting, and her alma mater, BYU.

You were introduced to her in 1996 when she joined the ABC 4 News team as their crime reporter.

Since then, she's covered Salt Lake's tornado, the 2002 Winter Olympics and the Elizabeth Smart story.

Today, Nicea is a co-host of Good Things Utah.

Nicea, her husband Scott, and two daughters reside in Sandy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012